A sustainable economy that puts people and the NT first
We need to invest in creating a more sustainable economy, focusing on local employment and building foundations for a cleaner, more prosperous future for the Northern Territory.
My Commitment
I will advocate for a strong economy while looking after what we love about the Territory.
What I Stand For
Growing the local economy
- Support small business: Invest in local small and medium businesses, to create permanent jobs.
- Put the Territory first: Ensure major projects benefit the Territory, are economically viable, employ local people and protect the long-term health of our community and environment.
- Grow tourism: Invest in sustainable tourism, leveraging our unique environment and cultural values.
- Renewable energy: Promote a clean, diversified economy through renewable energy.
Efficient Government Spending
- Cut waste: Reduce wasteful spending on consultants and poorly planned projects. Redirect funds to where they will be most effective.
- Spend wisely: Assess costs and benefits before investing public funds in major projects.
Environmental Protection
- Fracking: Halt fracking until the long-term health of our communities and water systems are assured, and the Pepper Inquiry recommendations are implemented in full. Ensure the gas industry is properly regulated, risks are minimised, negative impacts are monitored and addressed, and projects are required to undertake full impact assessments.
- Responsible industry: Make sure companies are accountable for environmental damage and Territorians aren’t left paying the clean-up bills.
- Precautionary approach: Ensure environmental approvals and land clearing decisions are based on the best science available, taking a precautionary approach where information is not available.
- Water systems: Improve how we manage water resources to keep our rivers flowing, protect environmental values, and ensure there will be safe drinking water supplies and water for economic activities long into the future.
- Climate change: Reduce emissions to meet net zero goals, transition to 75% renewable energy by 2035, and build community resilience against extreme weather.