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Community Enquiry: PFAS in Gurumbai (Rapid Creek)

I know people in our community are concerned about PFAS in our creeks, waterways and surrounding residential areas. Defence hosted a community information session last week, which sadly I could not attend as I was in Parliament, but I thank those who went on behalf of all of us and sent through the following summary of the information shared.
Here are some of the questions and answers that were given:
Q: What is the current situation with PFAS?
A: Monitoring is continuing, since investigations in 2018, looking at surface water (creek) contamination, groundwater contamination, and PFAS levels found in aquatic life.
Q: Is it safe to swim in Gurambai (Rapid Creek)?
A: Defence representatives explained scientific advice that there is no real PFAS risk, as the concentrations are so low that you would have to swim every day for your entire life to face a potential health risk. However, there are other pollutants in the waters from the airport facilities that are not part of the Defence PFAS program.
Q: Is it safe to eat seafood from our creeks?
A: The NT EPA has issued guidelines on limiting how much fish, shellfish and crustaceans are considered safe for adults and for children: see PFAS: Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority .
Q: Is it safe to eat produce from our backyards in the area?
A: We were told that 'testing to date' had not shown any concerns with backyard or community garden produce.
Q: Have there been any studies into the long-term impacts of exposure to PFAS?
A: No studies have been done in relation to possible health impacts in Darwin.
Q:What about PFAS chemicals from key sites on the RAAF Darwin base spreading through groundwater and surface water?
A: Defence is working on cleaning this up.
I remain concerned about the historical and long-term impact, as well as the current situation, and welcome your concerns too which I will be happy to follow up.
Our precious waterways must be cared for.
Defence intends to hold community information sessions annually. If you have questions, or to see the handouts from this session, you can visit Defence: RAAF Base Darwin, contact 1800 333 362 or [email protected]

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